• Il prossimo convegno della SIDeS, dal titolo “Per una storia della popolazione italiana nel Novecento”,  si terrà a Udine dall’8 al 10 ottobre del 2015.                                                              
    L’intento del convegno è quello di fare il punto sullo “stato dell’arte” dello studio della popolazione italiana nel corso del Novecento. Sono previste nove sessioni nelle quali potranno essere accolti anche contributi relativi ad altri paesi purché contengano elementi di raffronto con l’esperienza italiana. 
    Per quanto riguarda le principali scadenze, si ricorda che le proposte di contributo, comprensive di un breve riassunto, dovranno essere inviate direttamente agli organizzatori delle varie sessioni, entro il 31 gennaio del 2015. L’accettazione delle proposte sarà comunicata entro il 15 febbraio del 2015 e i contributi dovranno essere inviati entro il 15 settembre del 2015.
    I call for papers, in lingua italiana e inglese, sono disponibili ai seguenti link:


  • The 8th International Conference on Population Geographies will be held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, from 30th June to 3rd July 2015.                                                                              
    We invite papers from all fields of population geography and allied disciplines, especially contributions around the following themes: 

    Spatial demography
    Migration and development
    Ethnicity and segregation
    Migration and the environment
    Households and housing
    Demography of the life course
    Fertility and the family
    Towards the end: death and dying

    Ageing and morbidity
    Indigenous populations
    Official statistics
    Exploiting big data
    Data visualisation and communication
    Demographic projections
    Applications of demography
    Population health

    Other essential details of the conference including venue, accommodation, and travel will be made available progressively on the Conference website at: http://www.icpg2015.org

  • The Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes an international specialized statistical conference on the legacy of Corrado Gini. This conference is an occasion to investigate and to present themes of research in Statistics, Economics, Demography, Biology, Sociology and Official Statistics.
    Statisticians, demographists, economists and sociologists are invited to participate to this conference by submitting a paper for an oral or poster presentation.
    The conference is structured into plenary sessions with general interest contributions and invited speakers, parallel sessions of specific interest, round tables and a poster session.
    For further information: 

  • The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) Conference will be held at the University of Leeds from 7-9 September. The call for papers is now in operation, with a closing date of Sunday 12 April, and can be […]

  • Over the last 160 years, a remarkable decline of fertility has taken place in many Western and Eastern societies. With rapid population aging, current below-replacement fertility looms as a key social issue of the twenty-first century. Intriguingly, substantial regional disparities in fertility levels and reproductive change have been prevalent and remain existent in our world today. A historical reflection on the role of family relations in these processes is extremely valuable. The workshop aims to open up new vistas for understanding population change by combining economic and cultural explanations with theories on family influences and the cultural variation therein. Funding is available for those who are selected to participate, and a selection of papers will be published in a new volume in the Peter Lang Series Population, Family and Society.
      Deadline Call for Papers: 30 April 2015
    For more information: http://www.wageningenur.nl/pof-2015
    Contact: pof-2015@wur.nl

  • The EDSD is an eleven-month program that is offered every year, with the goal to provide students in the first year of their doctoral studies with an appropriate high-level education in demography.       
    Students will acquire a solid knowledge base on causes and consequences of demographic change, population data, statistical and mathematical demography, as well as modeling, simulation and forecasting. The School’s courses are structured in such a way that the students work on precise formulation of a thesis topic and early steps of their dissertations. The language of the School is English.
     In the upcoming school year the School will be held at two different locations. The preparatory courses (from early September to mid-October 2015) will be offered at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (http://www.demogr.mpg.de) in Rostock, Germany. The core courses (from mid-October 2015 until end of July 2016) will be held at the Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance (http://www.en.memotef.uniroma1.it) as well as the Department of Statistics (http://www.dss.uniroma1.it/it) at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
     Successful completion of the School results in a European Research Certificate of Demography provided under the auspices of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS).
     The EDSD does not charge fees. Several European research institutes and universities provide full fellowships for all students accepted to the program.
     The application deadline is April 15, 2015.
     For more information http://www.eds-demography.org