Popdays 2017

Conference Archives

Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2017

University of Florence
Via Gino Capponi, 9
Firenze, IT

February 8, 2017 – February 10, 2017

The Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione (Population Days), held every two years, is one of the most important initiatives of the Italian Association for the Study of Population (Sis-Aisp). On that occasion, Italian and international leading experts and scholars, mainly from academia, the National Institute of Statistics (Istat) and other national and governmental agencies, come together to present completed, planned, and ongoing research and to provide an opportunity for comparison across a broad overview of the issues currently debated about population and society. Conferences are based on parallel sessions, which in later editions have received 150 voluntary contributions of more than 25 subject areas.

Please download the full call for paper here.

We are glad to inform that the opening plenary session of the 12th edition of the Population Days will be organized in collaboration with Swedish Demographic Association.
Gunnar Andersson
and Gerda Neyer have confirmed their participation as keynote speakers of this session.

Submissions should be made to one of the following conference strands, which will be developed into a series of sessions by the organizers (in parenthesis):

  • Families and Households (Giuseppe Gabrielli)
  • Fertility (Daniele Vignoli)
  • Health, Mortality and Ageing (Silvia Meggiolaro)
  • Human Capital, Education and Labour Market (Alessandra Petrucci)
  • Methods and Models (Arnstein Aassve)
  • Migration and Mobility (Luciana Quattrociocchi)
  • Past Populations and Demographic Behaviours (Alessio Fornasin)
  • Population, Development and Environment (Silvana Salvini)
  • Miscellaneous (Gustavo De Santis)
  • Poster (Elena Pirani)

For more information about the conference, please go to the Overview section.

View Conference Details


SIS-AISP c/o Società Italiana di Statistica, Salita de’ Crescenzi 26 – 00186 Roma

Tel: +39-06-6869845 +39-06-6869845 Fax: +39-06-68806742

Email: segreteria@sis-aisp.it



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