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Statistical and Taste Based Discrimination: What Does Affect Immigrants the Most in Finding a Job in Italy?
Building: Main Venue Building
Room: foyer
Date: 2017-02-09 03:30 PM – 04:30 PM
Last modified: 2017-01-23
Several field experiments have demonstrated the existence of discrimination in labor markets against specific minority groups. In this paper, using a correspondence test and a Probit analysis, we studied whether there is a preference for Italians over foreign candidates and, if so, whether it depends on gender, type of work, education and/or level of customer contact required. The aim is to determine if discrimination is due to prejudice against foreign applicants, or a general preference for the majority group. Three groups of identical fictitious résumés, are sent in response to real online job offers: one with Italian candidate, one with First generation foreign candidate, and one with second generation foreign candidate. In this way, we estimated the impact of ethnic origin on individual’s employability, stressing the first stage of the hiring process. Results reveal a significant discrimination against women and foreign candidates. Even if we want to admit a rational discrimination based on perceived productivity difference (statistical discrimination), against first generation foreign candidates and concerning language and education gaps, the same would not be reasonable for second generation candidates (taste based discrimination).
labor market discrimination; gender; experimental economics; Net Discrimination