Building: Main Venue Building
Room: foyer
Date: 2017-02-09 03:30 PM – 04:30 PM
Last modified: 2017-01-23
Equitable access to adult learning for all is a goal for European education, training and employment policies. All workers should be able to acquire, update and develop their skills over their lifetime. How is it possible to improve access to learning for older workers? This report provides a statistical picture of older workers participation in job-related training in Italy, investigating its variability and relevant inequalities. The analysis is carried out using Italian AES, provided by Eurostat. It analyses adults’ learning activities and distinguishes formal, non-formal and informal learning. Using logistic regression model it is possible to estimate the learning-age gap between those aged 54 years and the general population more accurately. People over 54 have a probability of 1.7 and higher of not participating in training when compared to these aged 18-54 years. Secondly, women are less likely to take part in training than men. Furthermore, having a child strongly increases the likelihood of a woman not participating in training. Overall the data confirm the existence of strong inequalities in access to job-related learning among workers: this requires policy attention, to increase the focus on job-related training as part of active labour market policies, to prevent skills’ obsolescence.