Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione (Popdays), Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2017

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Le cause di morte e la compressione della mortalità in Italia
Andrea Gamboni

Building: Main Venue Building
Room: room 9
Date: 2017-02-09 02:00 PM – 03:30 PM
Last modified: 2017-01-25


The age-at-death variability is the major subject of this thesis project. In particular the aim consists in analyzing the relationship existing between lifespan variability and the various causes of death. This goal is fulfilled using micro data on death counts by cause of death, age and sex in Italy from 1980 to 2013. Thanks to this information it will be possible to have a better comprehension of mortality compression's evolution in Italy disentagling the role played by each cause. The project also provides a way to overcome the problem of disruptions in the cause spefic death counts caused by the introduction of the tenth International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in 2003.

