Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione (Popdays), Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2017

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Exploring onward migration of immigrants from Italy
Livia Elisa Ortensi, Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso

Building: Main Venue Building
Room: room 5
Date: 2017-02-09 02:00 PM – 03:30 PM
Last modified: 2017-01-23


The theoretical work on immigrant emigration has mostly focused on return migration, while onward international migration has been far less investigated and theorized and only in the last decade has received some attention in the literature. Moreover the studies on the topic are mostly empirical and qualitative in nature. The aim of this paper is to explore onward migration using a quantitative approach. Our analysis build on the 2014 ORIM survey carried out in the Italian region of Lombardy.

Preliminary results point out the important role played by the legal status, the preparatory mobility and impossibility or perils in returning home for citizens of countries characterized by war or instability. Our models also underline a process of double selection linked to return migration: onward intentions are higher among more educated individuals not living in a couple, on the contrary this is not the case among those living in couples


onward migration; Italy